sábado, 30 de agosto de 2008

Contraception Introduction:

Contraceptive methods are what couples use to prevent a pregnancy. Some of these methods, like the male and female condoms, also provide very effective protection against most sexually transmitted infections. When the goal is to avoid a pregnancy, couples need to talk together about what method is best for both partners. Issues include access to the method, the cost of the method and whether it is covered by insurance, how it is used, and whether it involves introducing a chemical into the body rather than placing some kind of a barrier between the partners. The vast majority of birth control methods in the world today are designed for the female body to use. At the same time, however, male partners need to be active parts of discussions and decisions about contraception – and to be willing to use condoms for safer sex and pregnancy prevention.

Body Image Introduction:

Most sexuality experts will agree that to be sexually healthy, it is important for both body and mind to be "in synch". When they are not, one or both areas can suffer. Many factors can influence how and whether a woman experiences mind/body synchronization. A common one has to do with a woman’s comfort with her body – or body image. Body image has to do with how one feels about anything physical, from their weight, skin or hair color, height, and the changes that come with aging, to the appearance of their genitals, to how their body may appear as a result of a physical disability or illness, and much more. One thing is for sure – the better a woman feels about her body, the more satisfying her sexual expressions and relationships will be. This channel will address issues of enhancing diminished body image, and address ways of celebrating all types of bodies and physical features.

Masturbation Introduction:

Masturbation refers to touching one’s own genitals for sexual pleasure. It is a normal, healthy behavior that most people do at some point in their lives (male and female) – although some never do. It is normal if a person does, and it is normal if a person chooses not to masturbate. Masturbation, even frequent masturbation cannot harm a person physically or psychologically, unless it replaced normal, daily functioning (for example, if someone were to stop going to work just to stay home and masturbate). Masturbation can teach people how their bodies respond to sexual stimulation -- and they can share this information with a partner to enhance their sexual relationships.

Pregnancy and Child Birth Introduction:

Pregnancy and childbirth issues go beyond fertility and reproduction concerns. A pregnant woman’s sexual desire level can peak and ebb throughout the pregnancy, as well as after childbirth. Partners and spouses can be confused by these changes, and may experience a change in their libido as well. Other post-natal issues, including physical recovery from vaginal delivery or C-section, the impact of breast feeding (e.g. vaginal dryness due to reduced estrogen levels), post-partum depression, negotiating sexual relationships, and communicating (especially under the stress of sleep deprivation) are vital factors in determining how to maintain a loving, vital relationship post-childbirth.

Infertility Introduction:

Approximately 15% of heterosexual couples attempting their first pregnancy are unable to conceive. Most authorities will say that there is a fertility “issue” – something that requires some kind of intervention – if a couple has not become pregnant after one year of unprotected vaginal intercourse. It is important in the evaluation of infertility to consider the couple as a unit, rather than placing the “blame” or responsibility on one partner. Infertility can come as a result of factors inside the female body, inside the male body, or inside both.

Menstruation and Breast Health Introduction:

Two significant health concerns for women are their monthly menstrual cycle, and the health of their breasts. Menstruation, the monthly hormonal cycle involving the build-up and discharge of the uterine lining, is an important indicator of reproductive and general health. Issues women face pertaining to menstruation are irregular periods, absent periods (called “amenorrhea”), and painful periods (“dysmenorrhea”). When it comes to breast health, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide. Yet many women still do not perform monthly breast self exams. This channel deals with the steps women can take to ensure that their body’s monthly cycle is working as it should be, and that their breasts remain healthy as well.

Menopause Introduction:

Many women report occasional pain or discomfort with vaginal penetration (of a finger, tampon, penis, etc.). Others experience severe pain with every episode of penetration. This is called “dyspareunia”. There are different kinds of pain that a woman can experience during sex play or intercourse. Some of these symptoms can be relieved easily with the use of lubricants, while others must be treated medically. This channel focuses on normalizing the experience of pain during certain sexual behaviors, with the accompanying reinforcement that there are definitely steps a woman can take to eliminate the pain. Above all, if any kind of intercourse or penetration is painful, a woman should stop this behavior immediately and seek treatment, so she can avoid potential physical or emotional harm.

Pain During Intercourse Introduction:

Many women report occasional pain or discomfort with vaginal penetration (of a finger, tampon, penis, etc.). Others experience severe pain with every episode of penetration. This is called “dyspareunia”. There are different kinds of pain that a woman can experience during sex play or intercourse. Some of these symptoms can be relieved easily with the use of lubricants, while others must be treated medically. This channel focuses on normalizing the experience of pain during certain sexual behaviors, with the accompanying reinforcement that there are definitely steps a woman can take to eliminate the pain. Above all, if any kind of intercourse or penetration is painful, a woman should stop this behavior immediately and seek treatment, so she can avoid potential physical or emotional harm.

Gynecological Concerns Introduction:

This channel deals with the vulva and vagina, and maintaining the health of both. The vulva is the external part of the female genitalia, or what can be seen with the naked eye when looking at a woman’s genitals. This area includes the mons, labia minora and majora (the small and large “lips”), the clitoris (whose only function is sexual pleasure), and the opening to the vagina. The vagina is a “potential space” inside the body into which a finger, tampon, penis, or any other object can be inserted, and through which menstrual blood flows and babies are delivered. Gynecological health is of utmost important to a woman’s overall health and well-being. To that end, it is recommended that women see a gynecologist once a year for a pap test, breast exam, and a discussion of any symptoms that involve her reproductive and sexual systems.

Medications and Supplements Introduction:

Both prescribed and 'over-the-counter' medications are used widely in the US for ailments ranging from colds to back pain to post-surgical pain. These medications, approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, can be a blessing as well as a curse. Although effective at reducing pain or treating other symptoms, as many as 400 medications are known to cause at least occasional problems with sexual desire and function. It is important to be aware of this and to ask questions about sexual side effects before taking any kind of medication.

Orgasm Introduction:

Orgasm is the powerful, pleasurable release of sexual arousal and tension. Generally speaking, women will experience different muscle contractions throughout the pelvic and genital region, as well as in other parts of the body. Their heart rate and breathing will increase. Some women will experience a single orgasm, and some will have more than one during a particular sex act. Yet while physical orgasmic response can be generalized in these ways, the actual experience of orgasm can vary dramatically from person to person. Some people describe orgasms as euphoric or spiritual. Others enjoy feeling almost out of control during orgasm, while others dislike the feelings of vulnerability the experience can induce. This channel deals with these and other related issues.

Pleasure Introduction:

Pleasure adds meaning to our lives, regardless of the source of that pleasure. Sexual pleasure is particularly powerful. Our bodies respond to sexual pleasure in ways that can be exhilarating, exciting, earth-shattering, and even healing. Shared sexual pleasure can create or enhance intimacy with partners. Creativity in sexual expression, such as trying sex toys or different sexual positions, can keep relationships sexually exciting and diverse. Sexual pleasure achieved through self-stimulation can improve body image, enhance self-appreciation, and increase understanding about the types of sexual touch one’s body prefers. This information can then be shared with a partner. This channel deals with these factors.

Desire Introduction:

Sexual desire is much more complex than it may appear on the surface. When desire is present, and when it is congruent with a person’s behaviors and values, it is usually accepted without too much thought. When something is amiss, however, things can become complicated. Low sexual desire can have physical causes (such as chronic illness or medication interaction) or psychological causes (such as stress, guilt, or poor body image). Physical desire issues can lead to psychological concerns, and vice versa. This channel deals with these and other topics relating to sexual desire.

Women's Sexual Health Introduction:

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines sexual health as "the state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being related to sexuality; it is not merely the abscence of disease, dysfunction and infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive, respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. For sexual health to be attained and maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected and fulfilled." This channel focuses on understanding sexual health issues of special interest to women. It also examines issues relating to communication within sexual relationships, and much more. Women's Sexual Health Topics:

Medications and Supplements
Gynecological Concerns
Pain During Intercourse
Menstruation and Breast Health
Pregnancy and Child Birth
Body Image

quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2008

Masturbation Introduction:

Masturbation refers to touching one’s own genitals for sexual pleasure. Mutual masturbation involves either people masturbating in front of each other, or bringing each other to orgasm by touching each others’ genitals. Masturbation is a normal, healthy behavior that most people do at some point in their lives (male and female) – although some never do. It is normal if a person does, and it is normal if a person chooses not to masturbate. Masturbation, even frequent masturbation, cannot harm a person physically or psychologically, unless it were to replace normal, daily functioning (for example, if someone were to stop going to work just to stay home and masturbate). Masturbation can teach people how their bodies respond to sexual stimulation, and they can share this information with a partner to enhance their sexual relationships. Some people do not understand when their partners continue to masturbate even when they are in a sexual relationship with another person. In addition to providing information about masturbation, therefore, this channel also discusses how masturbation may or may not fit in to a committed relationship – and how partners can discuss conflicting feelings should they be present.

Research Findings On Sexually Aggressive Women

Men’s sexual aggression is a pervasive problem on college campuses. For example, in one large national study, approximately 15-20% of college women reported experiencing forced intercourse. In contrast, the idea of women’s sexual aggression challenges long-held beliefs about women’s sexual behavior.
In a study of psycho-sexual characteristics related to women’s sexual aggression, researchers measured, among other traits, sexual esteem, satisfaction, preoccupation, motivation, anxiety, and fear. Sexual esteem is the tendency to positively evaluate one’s sexuality. Satisfaction is the tendency to be satisfied with the sexual aspects of one’s life. Preoccupation is the tendency to become absorbed with sexual thoughts. Motivation is the desire to be involved in sexual relationships. Anxiety is the tendency to feel tension about sexuality. Fear is the fear of engaging in sexual relations with another person.

These characteristics were compared with four levels of sexual initiation: no initiation, persuasion, non-physical coercion, and physical force. Persuasion included behaviors such as giving massages, dancing seductively, and wearing clothing or perfume expected to be arousing. Non-physical coercion included psychological or verbal pressure (for example, lying, using your position of power or authority, or questioning someone’s sexuality) to initiate sexual contact. Physical force included the threat or use of physical force (for example, hitting or holding down) to gain sexual access.

Women engaging in no initiation behaviors reported lower sexual esteem and satisfaction than all other groups. Women using physical force reported higher sexual esteem than all other groups and statistically higher sexual satisfaction than those with no initiation or those using non-physical coercion. The sexual esteem result for women with no initiation is logical. Women who lack sexual esteem would, logically, be less likely to initiate sexual activity than women who have high sexual esteem. Similarly, a lack of initiation may lead to a lack of satisfaction by not making the choice of who you want to have sex with, and settling instead for the person who chooses you. Women who used physical force to obtain sex were deemed more secure in their sexuality because they scored higher on sexual esteem and satisfaction. Could this also be true for men who use physical force to obtain sex? This is a troubling result that deserves more study.

Subjects using physical force also reported higher preoccupation and motivation than all other groups. Subjects using non-physical coercion reported higher sexual preoccupation and motivation than those using persuasion. This result represents a progression of sexual motivation and preoccupation that translates to a progression of sexual strategies from persuasion to physical force. Women in this study who were more preoccupied with sex and more motivated to be involved in sexual relationships were also more willing to use more aggressive sexual strategies. There is a common belief that men are significantly more sexually motivated than women and therefore more aggressive. This result indicates that women are also sexually motivated and preoccupied, and that these psycho-sexual characteristics are related to their level of sexual aggression.

Women with no initiation and those who used physical force did not score higher on sexual anxiety and fear of sexual relationships than those who used persuasion or non-physical coercion. This result would indicate that motivation and preoccupation are more likely related to sexual aggression than anxiety and fear of sexual relationships. It is not that sexually aggressive women are avoiding relationships as much as they are pursuing sex with or without a relationship.

Source: www.loveandhealth.info

segunda-feira, 25 de agosto de 2008

Seduction Techniques Or How to Seduce a Girl

There are many techniques pick up artists have developed to seduce women. Badboy, a PUA from Croatia, starts a date every time in a cafe, then goes out and passes by a store where you can buy ornamental fishes. He tells her he wants to have a look and finally he buys a small one. Outside the store he tells her that's absolutely necessary to take the fish to his place as he has an aquarium. Of course the aquarium is in his bedroom...The next day he brings the fish back and the game begins anew.
Badboy holds the view that dominance and self-confidence are the biggest key factors to seduce a woman. And as about 90 % of the success depends on your body language, your tone and timing, you have to master those areas first. Only a strong and coherent body language can demonstrate confidence. Women are attracted to confidence as it indicates a high status. And we all know that women are highly attracted to status.
Actually, nothing impresses a woman more than social status, the fact that other people (not only girls) like you (= social proof). So, how do you demonstrate your social status? The easiest way is to talk to as many people as you can. Go to the DJ, shake his hand and say "Nice music!", ask the barkeeper something or simply meet new people using openers. Smile and laugh a lot, it will have a positive effect on the people you're talking to. Keep in mind: Standing alone in a corner with a beer in your hand watching all the other people having fun is the lowest status you can demonstrate. So, be social.
Later, you can walk up to your actual target and start a conversation. She will like to get to know you (but normally you will already get to know a lot of women opening "sets").
You think she is too busy talking to someone to notice that you are such a cool (social) guy? As if! Women notice in seconds who's the center of attraction on a party and who's the loser nobody's talking to.
For example you can come up with: "Hi guys! I have a quick question for you - who lies more, men or women?" It's a topic everyone likes to talk about and nobody will shut you down on this one. The tricky thing with this "opener" (a question or statement you start a conversation with) is that you need to explain why you are asking. So say something like "I read a female magazine (at the dentist) today and they did this study. Me and my buddy are arguing about it all day..."
For more good openers, I can recommend the e-Book called GuyGetsGirl (the cool thing about it: there is a 60 day money back guarantee).
Inside, you also will find some tips on how to read women's body language, the ten commandments to win over a woman and much more. Did you know that if she touches (or plays with) her hair or her neck/ ears she's probably interested in you? That if she puts on her lipstick right in front of you on a date it doesn't mean she wants you to kiss her?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Wells

How to Seduce a Woman

Have you ever looked at men who can get any girl they want and wondered, "how do they do it?" Yes, females are attracted to power and status. Yes, they are attracted to symmetrical features, strength and confidence. The art of distracting a woman from all of your shortcomings and making her fall in love with you for who you are is called seduction. Read on to find out how to do it.

Manage your image. Before you can seduce a girl, you must have a good, positive image. Make friends and be charming with every one you come in contact with. Never hesitate to tell one person what you admire about another, as it will eventually reach that person and appear undoubtedly genuine. Never argue (arguing is anti-seduction). No girl can resist a guy whom everyone likes.
Manage your reputation. While people around you begin to like you, you may start to appear phony or plastic. You must also subtly reveal your human side with talk of taboo and sexuality. If you cannot insinuate, skip this step. Occasionally hint to people that you enjoy the company of young girls on a purely platonic level. When you talk about sex, say it in a way that Shakespeare would approve of. For example, "Sleep is my second favorite thing to do in bed" or "my neighbors are noisy during the day, but that's okay because they put up with me at night."
Do the opposite of what other guys do. If the girl is drop-dead gorgeous, ignore her. After hearing about your rakish reputation, she will wonder why you are not attracted to her. If other guys ignore her, shower her with the attention she has been craving. It will appear to her that you are smitten.
Hint that other girls like you. Women hold each other's opinions very highly and they get jealous easily.
Wait for the sign that she is interested. The gorgeous girl was ignoring you at first and now she flirts heavily. The not-so-attractive girl was shy and hesitant at first, but now she drops (very subtle) hints that she wants you to make a move.
Speak seductively. Never start a conversation focused on work, school, MySpace, family,TV shows, or other everyday things. Never talk about yourself. Talk about exotic vacation spots, mythology,sex (sometimes), history, astrology, dreams, fate, and anything else pleasurable and intangible. Don't express any opinions except for your preference for pleasurable things and for things that she likes. Keep a powerful gaze while talking about these things. The eyes are very important. Never apologize. Never worry when you are talking with a girl, because it will be written all over your face and interpreted as a sign of weakness.
Show strategic weakness (optional). This step is optional, but it will speed up the seduction. If you naturally come off as weak, skip this step. For more masculine guys, a flash of weakness and sensitivity will make you seem honest, romantic, harmless, and more akin to a girl's idea of "the one." All girls are frightened of guys on some level. The more feminine and skittish the girl is, the more necessary this step is. The key to performing this step correctly is to bend the truth. Don't talk about breakups or events that you really are sensitive about. As with dancing, it is your job to lead. Don't lead her into a depressing discussion topic. Add a masculine angle to feminine subjects. A good idea would be to say, "yeah, I watched The Notebook. I liked how he didn't give up hope after he saw her with the other guy."
Give her plenty of space. There are bound to be things about you that she doesn't like. Give her time to forget about those things and fantasize about the good things you have to offer.
Ask her out. You will eventually learn what the right time is--not too early and not too late. If you flirt with a girl over a long period of time, you will notice that the slow, steady increase in the attention that she gives you is followed by a sharp drop-off. This is a signal that she is sick of waiting and spites you for it. You have no chance after that. Girls are very picky about timing. Make sure it's an offer she can't refuse. It takes attention to detail, practice and luck to pick the perfect first date.
Turn on the charm. She already said "yes." As difficult as it is to blow it now, many guys do by being shy. If you don't show that you're attracted to her now, you will be seen as unappreciative or weak. Girls typically give about ten "nos" for every "yes," so show (don't tell) your appreciation for it. It's OK to bend the truth. If she's gorgeous, insinuate how clever and charming she is. If she's not, insinuate that she is. A great deal of the conversation will be non-verbal. Use ambiguous physical contact. Walk close enough to her that you brush against each other often, touch her lower back when you open the car door for her. If you are nervous when you touch a girl, it will make her very uncomfortable. Confidence is the difference between touching her and molesting her.
If she is shy, write well-crafted letters to her. There are some diamonds in the rough out there. When she is reading a letter, she can enjoy your words of love without worrying about whether you like the way she looks or acts. Each time she reads it (and she will read it over and over again so make it good) she will wish more and more that you are there with her. Make every word count and keep it brief. If she's outgoing and a good talker, she may find letters trivial, but always include a good one with gifts. Whether talking or writing, keep it brief. It is better to say nothing at all than to say something that is not seductive.
Obey the correct sequence of physical interactions. Don't move too fast. Wait for her to touch you flirtatiously. Hand-holding is next. Then comes close contact and embraces. Then comes kissing. Then comes the making out and heavy petting and all the rest. The process should be slow, poetic and musical like Pachelbel's Canon. There is no room for discomfort in seduction.
Establish an emotional connection. When you talk to your person of interest, find out commonalities, establish the moment, and you may relate to things she is passionate about or interested in.
Just talk to the Woman. The thing you can do is go up to your person of interest and show you appreciate her. If you can accomplish this and overcome your shyness, you will be successful and meeting more women and seducing them.

Seduction is an art. It takes as much practice as learning a musical instrument or painting.
Empathy is essential to seduction. Every woman is different, so tailor your date, your words and your actions to that specific woman. You must know what she is thinking before you can offer her the pleasure she craves.
Read poetry. Notice the imagery, the ambiguity and the sound. Notice how modern poetry uses colloquial language to achieve all that. Don't use big words or cliches. Your language should be "diabolic" (ethos and pathos) like that of a politician or a poet, not "symbolic" (logos) like that of scientists and philosophers.
If she senses that you are seducing her, she will run away. The pace of your seduction should be slow and the volume should be quiet.
All women like power in at least one of its many manifestations: money, status, intelligence, strength, etc. You need at least a little before you can seduce the most beautiful of women.
Many girls will tell you that confidence is what they look for, but nothing will increase your confidence like a successful seduction.
Insinuation is a must. Only a movie star or a professional athlete could expect success with a brash line like "let's go back to my place and...."
Don't be a doormat or a people-pleaser. If you are perceived as weak, you will never get a girl.
Always be honest, meaning don't tell a lie. A lie is something you can get caught in. Don't lie about your income, whether you have a girlfriend or not, whether you are good at sports, etc. Girls can see right through lies. However, bending the truth to achieve a more poetic effect is absolutely necessary. Also, most of the time, the correct answer is to say nothing at all.
Seducing a woman is like dancing with a woman. Sometimes you hold her close and sometimes you let her shine on her own and watch. If you are too clingy, she will feel suffocated. If you let her go and never come back, she will be insulted.
Reveal yourself slowly and only when directly asked. Don't show more of yourself than she asks for. When the mystery is gone, the seduction is over.
Girls with boyfriends make excellent targets. If you can seduce a faithful girlfriend without showing up on the radar, you will have no problem with a single girl.
Seduction does not always end in the bedroom. If you seduce a faithful girlfriend or wife, she may decide to cut off all contact with you when she realizes that she is in love with you. Mark it as a success and be thankful that you didn't have to break up with her. Do NOT however, go around ruining lives, there are people out there who are happy with each other, and who really don't need you to ruin that.
Never take anything too seriously. You want to position yourself as a vacation from other guys--as the perfect summer fling. You are not possessive or controlling.
Not every woman can be seduced. College-age girls are especially difficult because they are the most satisfied with themselves. Younger girls want to feel mature and older girls want to feel young.
If the seduction fails for one reason or another, leave a good space of time before attempting to seduce her again. She must completely forget about the bad stuff before you can try to revive the old feelings.
Women can sense fear and weakness very easily. If you have shown fear or weakness (we all have), it's time to start over.
If you use this technique purely for the end result, you probably don't have the patience to perform a seduction correctly. Pleasure plays a major role throughout the process. You are not offering her a chance to sleep with you, but rather a chance to fall in love.
Study the biographies, writings and speeches of the world's greatest seducers: Erroll Flynn, Casanova, Lord Byron, Charles De Gaulle, Gabriele D'Annunzio, etc.
Physically attractive seducers will be able to seduce much faster than unattractive ones, because the attraction is already there. However, unattractive men will have an easier time getting close to girls and gaining access to their hopes and dreams.
when you approach your person of interest always be yourself.
Be direct and very sincere

Seducing women is very difficult and takes a lot of trial and error--mostly error. Don't be discouraged.
If you can't handle the emotions of a "breakup," seduction is not for you.
When you go up to a woman and start talking, don't ever use any form of a pick-up line, they don't ever work and you will be rejected immediately.
Choose the right target. If the girl is unstable or likely to exact revenge on you for seducing her, it is not worth it.
Sex with multiple partners can potentially be very harmful to your health. Always practice safe sex methods.

Pregnancy and HIV Infection

What is HIV?

HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus, is the virus which causes AIDS. The virus attacks one particular type of cells in the body, called T-helper lymphocytes. These cells are important as they help to co-ordinate the body's immune system. Over time HIV damages the immune system so badly that it can no longer fight infection and cancer as it would usually do. Most people who are infected with HIV have long periods when they look and feel quite well. Many people do not even know that they are infected.

What is AIDS?

A person is said to have AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) when their immune system is so weak that they develop certain serious illnesses. The average time between the infection with HIV and the development of AIDS is 8-10 years in men and it is suspected to be the same in women. An estimated 10-20% of people infected with HIV have AIDS.

How can People Become Infected with HIV?

HIV is present in the vaginal fluids, semen, blood and breast milk of infected people. HIV can be passed from one person to another when infected vaginal fluid, semen, blood or breast milk gets into another person's body. An infected woman can also pass the virus onto her baby in the womb or during birth.
Most people with HIV became infected by having sexual intercourse without a condom with somebody who has HIV. In Britain and Ireland, 59% of women infected with HIV acquired the infection through heterosexual intercourse, 37% of women infected with HIV acquired the infection through sharing needles and syringes and 3% of women infected with HIV acquired the infection through having been transfused with infected blood or blood products. In the UK all donated blood has been tested for HIV since 1985 and is now considered extremely safe.

HIV Testing as Part of Your Antenatal Care

When a pregnant woman comes for antenatal care, a sample of blood is usually given in early pregnancy. Just one sample can be used for a number of tests. However pregnant women are not automatically tested for HIV in the UK. In some antenatal clinics the test is offered but in most, women have to ask for it. In other parts of the world, though, HIV testing is madatory in early pregnancy.

Does Pregnancy Itself Make the HIV Infection Worse?

Pregnancy itself does not make the HIV infection worse. In addition babies born to mothers with HIV do not have an increased chance of suffering complications in pregnancy and labour as compared to babies born to HIV negative mothers.

Should I Have the Test if Offered?

Testing of mothers will only be done if verbal consent has been given and it is the job of the health professionals offering the test in the antenatal clinic to make you aware of the advantages and disadvantages of knowing your HIV status.
In summary, the main advantages to the pregnant woman of knowing she is HIV positive are that drugs can be given in pregnancy and to the baby after delivery to reduce the chance of the baby being infected. Caesarean section can be planned which also reduces the risk of infection and you can choose to bottle feed instead of breast feed, as the virus may be transmitted in breast milk.

How Big is the Problem in the UK?

In 1998, there were over 200 births to HIV infected women in London, the highest number ever. This is estimated to have led to about 35 infections in babies in London alone. Elsewhere in the UK there were around 100 births to HIV infected women leading to about 25 infections in babies.


Pregnancy is a very exciting time in a woman's life. But it can also be a time filled with questions and concerns. Sometimes pregnancy symptoms can be confusing, making you wonder whether you really are pregnant or not. Only a pregnancy test will be able to help answer that question.

Now that you know that you are pregnant, it's time to see a prenatal health care provider. But which one is right for you? Take a look at Choosing a Prenatal Practitioner to understand how OB/GYNs, family doctors and midwives differ. No matter which of these practitioners you choose, though, all will offer you a multitude of prenatal tests over the course of your pregnancy to help make sure you and your baby are healthy. A cordocentesis may be performed if your baby is in distress; this fetal blood sampling test has also been used to administer in utero treatment to fetuses with heart problems and other dire health conditions.

During early pregnancy, you may have some concerns about already existing health conditions and how you and your baby will be affected. For women with asthma, Asthma and Pregnancy will likely answer many of your questions, while Prozac and Pregnancy will be useful for those women using this common antidepressant. If you are HIV positive, or are infected with this virus during your pregnancy, be sure to learn how HIV can affect your pregnancy. And if your pregnancy symtpoms seem really bad, then you may want to check to see if you're having twins or multiples.

There are a number of infections that a woman may contract during her pregnancy. Common Infections details a variety of illnesses and how they may affect you during pregnancy. One infection that woman are often cautioned of is toxoplasmosis. Though the risk of catching the virus is low, there are a number of steps you can take to prevent having to deal with it at all. Other infections that pregnant women shold guard against include chickenpox, group B strep, and the parvovirus, also know as Fifth Disease.

One concern for all women is the risk of ectopic pregnancy. If you suspect that your pregnancy may be ectopic, it is important to seek treatment quickly. While generally effective, occasionally some women may require to have a repeat treatment. False pregnancy is a condition in which a woman believes she is pregnant when she is really not. Learn more about this emotional and psychological condition here.

If you have been having troubles getting pregnant, you may want to be investigated for antiphospholipid syndrome. This syndrome can contribute to repeat miscarriages as well as increase a woman's risk of developing pre-eclampsia during pregnancy, a condition associated with hypertension.

Other complications that can develop during late pregnancy include a low-lying placenta and cervical incompetence. Having an incompetent cervix increases your risk of premature labour. Also increasing the risk for premature labour is PROM, or premature rupture of the membranes. At the other end of the spectrum, prolonged pregnancy can also be problematic making it necessary for health care professionals to induce labour.

Many women are worried about giving birth. Will it be painful? Is it safe to use pain medications? What if something goes wrong? Will you need a caesarean section? Give yourself one less thing to worry over by using our labour checklist to make sure you have everything in order for the big day. And don't forget to check out Birthing Options, which explains all the choices you have when it comes to how and where to give birth. Of course, creating a birth plan is one of the best ways to let your health care professionals know what you want on that special day.

Breech Babies will give you an idea of what to expect if your baby isn't in the head first position, while Pain Relief for Labour will help you better understand your choices of labour medications. If you prefer not to use medications to deal with pain during labor, then you'll want to read Alternative Pain Management. One decision you may have to make once your baby is born is whether or not to administer vitamin K. Vitamin K for Newborns outlines the pros and cons of this treatment.

In addition to the complications a mother may experience during pregnancy, complications with your baby can also arise. This includes amniotic bands and sheets, single umbilical artery, and choroids plexus cysts. One complication that can be tested for during pregnancy is Downs syndrome. The chances of your baby developing this disorder increases with maternal age. However, there are a number of birth defects that can be diagnosed during your pregnancy. Though scary, knowing early on what to expect can help you prepare for that very special bundle that is arriving.

Not sure whether to breastfeed or bottle feed? Check out Bottle Feeding, which explains the pros and cons, and the ins and outs of feeding with formula. You'll also want to take a look at Breastfeeding, and all of the benefits it has for you and your baby.

As you're getting ready for your baby's arrival, there are likely a number of things you'll need. Help make you baby shopping easier by visiting PregnancyStore.com.

quinta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2008

Fast food shops urged to go healthy as children continue to choose chips

The Scottish Government is being urged to encourage fast food shops to offer healthy options in a bid to help tackle child obesity. In a survey of 146 14 to 16-year-olds the Scottish Consumer Council (SCC) found that more than 50 per cent leave school grounds to go to surrounding shops for lunch. Its report, published today, revealed in rural, large town and new town areas pupils go straight for pizza, chips, chocolate and crisps for their midday meal. The watchdog has asserted a new meals strategy that reaches beyond the school gates is needed. It also found that students in this age group eat outside of school for choice, to get away from noisy canteens and for social reasons. Following the study, the Council is now appealing to locals shops to stock healthy alternatives. SCC chairman Douglas Sinclair said: "These are young adults learning to make important decisions about their diet and they need help to make the right choices. While the key to improving lunchtime choices for Scotland’s teenagers is about supporting them with the information about good food and healthy eating, the Scottish Government and local councils have to play their part as well. "Surely this is an opportunity for local retailers to offer healthier 'on the go' options at affordable prices for the young people who make a positive choice to eat away from school."

quarta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2008

Lack of sleep & heart disease

Teenagers, a lack of sleep could put your health at risk. New research from the American Heart Association suggests not getting enough sleep could increase a teen's risk of heart disease later in life by as much as three times. Researchers blame the 'technological invasion' in the bedroom, saying computers, cell phones and music do not make for a conducive sleep environment.

Source: American Heart Association

Study Shows Vitamin B May Not Protect Your Heart

According to a new study carried out by Norwegian researchers, vitamin B may not actually help protect your heart.
The study was led by Dr. Marta Ebbing of Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen, Norway.
Researchers looked at over 3,000 patients who all had coronary heart disease between 1999 and 2006.
They were randomly split up into four groups, and were then given a daily oral dose of various treatments.
The treatments included folic acid, vitamin B12 plus vitamin B6, folic acid plus vitamin B12, a placebo, or vitamin B6.
Researchers statd that the group that received folic acid plus vitamin B12, or just vitamin B6 saw no improvement at all.
The vitamins were unable to protect and prevent the heart from future cardiovascular problems.
The study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

------ Source: Washington (dbTechno)

Some fruit juices can harm drug absorption: study

Grapefruit, orange and apple juices can harm the body's ability to absorb certain medications and make the drugs less effective, said a Canadian study released in the United States.

The research showed that these juices can decrease the effectiveness of certain drugs used to treat heart disease, cancer, organ-transplant rejection and infection, "potentially wiping out their beneficial effects," it said.
David Bailey, a professor of clinical pharmacology with the University of Western Ontario and leader of the study, was the first researcher to identify grapefruit juice's potential to increase the absorption of certain drugs two decades ago, possibly turning some doses toxic.
The new findings came as part of his continuing research on the subject, and were presented at the 236th annual meeting of the American Chemical Society on Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
"Recently, we discovered that grapefruit and these other fruit juices substantially decrease the oral absorption of certain drugs undergoing intestinal uptake transport," said Bailey.
"The concern is loss of benefit of medications essential for the treatment of serious medical conditions."
Healthy volunteers took fexofenadine, an antihistamine used to fight allergies, along with either a glass of grapefruit juice, a glass of water with naringin (which gives the bitter taste to grapefruit juice), or plain water.
Those who drank the grapefruit juice absorbed only half the amount of fexofenadine, compared to those who drank plain water.
Researchers said the water with naringin served to block "a key drug uptake transporter, called OATP1A2, involved in shuttling drugs from the small intestine to the bloodstream."
"Blocking this transporter reduces drug absorption and neutralizes their potential benefits," the study said.
"By contrast, drugs whose levels are boosted in the presence of grapefruit juice appear to block an important drug metabolizing enzyme, called CYP3A4, that normally breaks down drugs."
Among the drugs affected by consumption of grapefruit, orange and apple juices are: etoposide, an anticancer agent; beta blockers (atenolol, celiprolol, talinolol) used to treat high blood pressure and prevent heart attacks; and certain antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, itraconazole).
The drug-lowering interaction also affected cyclosporine, a drug taken to prevent rejection of transplanted organs, and more drugs were expected to be added to the list as the research continued.
Bailey said patients should consult with a doctor about taking medications with juice, and stick to plain water when taking most medications.
"This is just the tip of the iceberg," Bailey said. "I'm sure we'll find more and more drugs that are affected this way."
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